Contact person:
Joachim Butzlaff
+49 (0) 40 / 73966 - 210
+49 (0)40 / 73966 - 108

3B Scientific GmbH
Rudorffweg 8
21031 Hamburg, Germany
Internet: http://www.3bscientific.com
Foundation: 1948
Founder: Paul Binhold
Holder: Marion Kurland, Otto H. Gies
Management: Otto H. Gies, Manfred Kurland, Marion Kurland
Employees: 800
Revenue: 40 Mio.
Export portion: 85 %
Business fields: Models, Manikins and Simulators for Medical Education, Biology and Physics Teaching and Learning Equipement, Physiotherapy aid, Acupuncture Products and Laser Therapy Devices