Contact person:
Dirk Barten
+49 (0) 7666-908-0
+49 (0) 7666-908-380

Schölly Fiberoptic GmbH
Robert-Bosch-Str. 1-3
79211 Denzlingen, Germany
Internet: http://www.schoelly-group.com
Foundation: 1973
Founder: Werner Schölly, Regula Schölly
Holder: Schölly-Family (Majority Holder)
Management: Werner Schölly, Regula Schölly, Dr. Harald Stallforth, Dirk Barten, Mirko Beiser, Harald Haigis
Employees: About 600 worldwide
Revenue: about 80 Mio. EUR
Export portion: 85 %
Sales markets: Worldwide
Business fields: Medical visualization solutions: 2D- and 3D-HD-endoscopes, 2D and 3D chip-in-tip and chip-in-scope systems, cameras and light sources for OR-integrated video technology. From the conception to after-sales service: all from one source.