Contact person:
Robert Matzky
(040) 5 47 02 - 0
(040) 5 47 02 - 461

Weinmann Geräte für Medizin GmbH & Co. KG
Kronsaalsweg 40
22525 Hamburg, Germany
Internet: http://www.weinmann.de
Foundation: 1874
Founder: Gottlieb Weinmann
Holder: Marc-Oliver Griefahn, Dr. Karl-Andreas Feldhahn
Management: Marc-Oliver Griefahn, Dr. Karl-Andreas Feldhahn
Employees: 500
Revenue: 63.2 Mio (2006)
Export portion: 35 %
Sales markets: worldwide
Business fields: Homecare, Emergency and Diagnostics. In these areas Weinmann offers diagnostic, therapeutic and also life-saving devices and system solutions.