Contact person:
Dietmar Fiedler
+49 (0) 2236 -9641-365
+49 (0) 2236 -9641-99-365

pfm medical ag
Wankelstraße 60
50996 Köln
Internet: www.pfmmedical.com
Foundation: 1971
Founder: Jürgen Wolter, Peter Dahlhausen
Management: Three members make up the pfm medical board of management. Aurel Schoeller is chief executive officer, Reinhard Blunck is chief financial officer and Andreas Gottschalk is chief officer for marketing and sales in the therapy management sector. Volker Potthoff chairs the supervisory board.
Employees: approx. 400
Revenue: 78 Mio € in 2011
Export portion: ca. 40 %
Sales markets: Over 100 countries
Business fields: pfm medical is a globally active industrial medical technology company with headquarters in Cologne. Fully committed to users and patients, pfm medical is an independent manufacturer, technology partner, service provider and sales specialist. The product portfolio offered by the family-run company spans surgical equipment and implants through histotechnology and cardiovascular technology to therapy management. Globally all 400 employees in fourteen subsidiaries are committed to our claim "Quality & Experience".