Head Office
In our head office in Bonn, Heike Lange (Member of the Board / Treasurer) and Viola Ridderbusch (Assistant of the Board) will be pleased to answer your questions. Our brochure offers extensive information on GHE activities. It will be send to you on request and free of charge.

Heike Lange
Member of the Board
Beta Publishing GmbH
Celsiusstr. 43
53125 Bonn, Germany
Tel.: +49/228/91937-15
Fax: +49/228/91937-23
e-mail: heike.lange@gheg.de

Viola Ridderbusch
Assistant of the Board
German Healthcare Export Group e.V.
Celsiusstr. 43
D- 53125 Bonn, Germany
Tel.: +49/228/91937-15
Fax: +49/228/91937-23