Contact person:
Jörg Dittrich
(49)-721 92910-0
(49)-49 721 92910-99

medavis GmbH
Bannwaldallee 60
76185 Karlsruhe, Germany
Internet: http://www.medavis.com
Foundation: 1997
Founder: Jörg Dittrich, Dr. med. Björn Hast, Elmar Kussmaul
Holder: Jörg Dittrich, Dr. med. Björn Hast, Elmar Kussmaul
Employees: > 90
Revenue: 8 Mio.
Export portion: 45
Sales markets: Worldwide
Business fields: Medical information systems for radiology (RIS and PACS solutions) and the innovative web platform portal4med for medical cross-site and cross-enterprise workflows