
MasterScreen® PFT Pro, Complete pulmonary function testing system

MasterScreen from CareFusion is a suite of lung function tests ranging from simple spirometry to complete lung function testing. With MasterScreen PFT Pro, you can be sure what you purchase today will be relevant and useful tomorrow.

  • Our single breath hold and non-breath hold diffusion tests are commonly used tools to more effectively diagnosis and manage patients suffering from pulmonary fibrosis or pulmonary emphysema.
  • Only MasterScreen can accurately measure diffusing capacity and lung volumes during the same rebreathing test maneuver to provide clinicians with an assessment of lung diffusion during resting breathing.
  • CareFusion is the only company to offer you both a standard body box and a wide-box cabin sizes for improved testing of thoracic gas volumes and airways resistance.
  • MasterScreen offers the most complete line of products, from infant PFT with MS BabyBody, to MS Pediatrics for 1-3 years of age, to IOS testing that can be completed from 3 years of age, to full PFT testing on adults.
  • I-net PFT Pro is your communication portal, enabling you to analyze and interpret the measured data over the intranet and internet.
  • Optional fully-integrated nebulizer system APS Pro for bronchial challenge testing with optimal control - also inside the body box.
  • Add additional technologies into MasterScreen®, such as cardiopulmonary exercise testing, Pmax, P0.1, Rocc, compliance, rhinomanometry at a fraction of the cost of buying a second system.

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