

BORA UP 2080

BORA UP 2080

The BORA is available as BORA UP 2080 and as BORA UP 2080 OP. The BORA UP 2080 is the basic unit. The BORA UP 2080 OP is the same but with additional pneumatic foot switch for energy-saving stand by mode.

With a high flow rate of 42 litres free flow/minute and a high vacuum of up to -90 kPa, BORA UP 2080 and BORA UP 2080 OP are ideally suited to the most varied tasks in the areas of surgical aspiration, septic fluid suction and curettage aspiration.

Due to their high flexibility, BORA UP 2080 and BORA UP 2080 OP more than meet the most varied requirements in the operating theatre and the ward. Thus, the two space-saving, easily portable universal suction units quickly and reliably evacuate large quantities of blood and serous liquids – including the particles therein – from the wound area and from artificial body orifices.

For BORA UP 2080 and BORA UP 2080 OP, a flexible modular system has been developed that is highly application-oriented and at the same time superbly satisfies the demand for an optimised cost structure.

The BORA modular system consists of BORA UP 2080 or BORA UP 2080 OP, an overflow protection system of your choice, practice-oriented application sets with or without integrated trolley and an extensive range of accessories.

BORA UP 2080 and BORA UP 2080 OP are distinguished by a multitude of powerful performance features in addition to their easy handling – thanks to the modern design – and outstanding hygiene comfort.

*42 litres freeflow /minute at max. vacuum of – 90 kPa
*Modular overflow protection system
*Universal usage
*Safe bacterial filter

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