
HEINE OMEGA 500® Binocular Indirect Ophthalmoscope

A new Dimension in Comfort, Performance and Flexibility

The evolution of the Binocular Indirect Ophthalmoscope. Patented "Synchronized Adjustment of Convergence and Parallax" for high quality, stereoscopic fundus images through any pupil size.

  • Built on the market-leading optical performance of the OMEGA 180, the OMEGA 500 has been optimized for even better views of the fundus. Multi-coated illumination system, featuring a new XHL Xenon Halogen Technology bulb, reduces corneal reflexes and ensures clear, high-resolution images of the fundus which are up to 100% brighter.
  • Enhanced Small Pupil Function - the Patented "Synchronized Adjustment of Convergence and Parallax System" (US.Patent # 4,684,227), which allows for the precise selection of observation and illumination optics for any pupil size, has been optimized for even better functionality in small pupils down to 1.0mm.
  • Registered Design.

Technical Specifications:

  • Apertures and Filters: Can be “locked” into a desired position.
  • Adjustment Levers: Also feature a “Friction-Clutch” (“Safety-Clutch”) to protect mechanisms from forced adjustment while in the “lock” position.
  • Increased PD Range: From 46–74mm.
  • Soft Touch Controls: All key adjustment controls feature soft touch surfaces for precise and positive adjustment control.

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