
vitaphone GmbH

Vitaphone Tele-ECG-Loop-Recorders 3100/3300 BT


The introduction of the Vitaphone Tele-ECG-Loop-Recorder opens entirely new horizons to physicians in diagnostics and therapy: The 1-3-channel ECG lead makes it possible to establish a conclusive diagnosis of asymptomatic arrhythmias, which often lead to brief syncopes, and whose causes are difficult to ascertain via differential procedures. What is more, patients with non-life threatening arrhythmias, e.g., atrial fibrillation, can be monitored - even post-operatively.

The Vitaphone Tele-ECG-Loop-Recorder weighs only 85 grams. It can be attached to a belt or strapped to the chest, and is able to record an ECG continuously under the conditions of normal everyday life. The intelligent software automatically detects pathological anomalies (supraventricular and ventricular tachycardias, bradycardias, pauses and atrial fibrillation). The memory of the Vitaphone Tele-ECG-Loop-Recorder is large enough for the continuous recording of 40 minutes of a 3-channel ECG. The oldest ECG data are overwritten (loop function).

When an ECG anomaly is automatically detected, the software immediately sends the ECG via a Bluetooth wireless connection to a Bluetooth-enabled mobile phone without the patient having to do anything at all. The recorder and mobile telephone can be up to 50 meters apart thanks to this Bluetooth wireless transfer. The mobile phone transmits the ECG digitally and completely automatically to the Tele-ECG system REMOS. If a mobile telephone is unavailable, data can be transmitted to the patient via a landline telephone by means of an integrated acoustic coupler.

The post-hospital use of the Vitaphone Tele-ECG-Loop-Recorder significantly shortens in-patient hospitalizations for purposes of clinical cardiology diagnostics and treatment. The employment of telecardiological functional diagnosis in pre- and post-hospital care opens new economic horizons: Therapy based on its data and findings quite often brings tangible rewards later on.


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