


The disadvantages of previously existing negative pressure systems are obvious:

  • Complicated operation
  • None or insufficient user guidance
  • Insufficient therapy control
  • Poorly tuned components
  • High rate of false alarms

In cooperation with the company Hartmann and leading physicians in this sector ATMOS has addressed these problems and developed the new negative pressure system “ATMOS S 042 NPWT”. This system belongs to the most intelligent and user-friendliest in the world. As a result of a user friendly design and well planned details, the application of the system is a breeze.
Because of its light and compact design in addition to a large range of services the ATMOS S 042 NPWT negative pressure unit is perfectly suitable for stationary and mobile use.

Exact measurement of the pressure on the patient offers users an optimal control of therapy. In addition the system contains a newly developed soft vacuum regulation that reduces the patient’s experience of pain and accordingly leads to a higher acceptance of the therapy.

A variable intermit mode offers users completely new opportunities in negative pressure therapy as adjustments can be made individually for every patient.

Undefined alarms are a thing of the past. The ATMOS carefree package shows you all causes of error and the troubleshooting at a glance.

The new ATMOS negative pressure system simplifies daily work in clinic and with it care effort is reduced.
Furthermore improved control significantly increases chances of a successful course of the negative pressure therapy.


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