
iPlan® Cranial surgical planning software

Generate effective treatment plans for neuronavigation with iPlan® Cranial planning software

Operating on the brain always carries the potential risk for neurological deficits. When accessing brain lesions it is important that surrounding healthy tissue is protected.

Create strategic treatment plans for every procedure performed with neuronavigation with iPlan® Cranial surgical planning software. Considering a multitude of patient datasets, iPlan Cranial filters, processes, integrates, and displays data to surgeons allowing them to directly apply pertinent information for confident decision-making.

  • Surgical planning software expandable with advanced modules such as iPlan® Fibertracking and iPlan® BOLD MRI Mapping
  • Dedicated surgical planning software on a dedicated workstation outside the OR
  • All planning content is transferred to the Neuronavigation system
  • Efficient use of multiple datasets with iPlan® Automatic Image Fusion
  • Quick outlining of standard anatomy with iPlan® Automatic Atlas Segmentation

Learn more about our products on www.brainlab.com

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