
JOYCE Full Faceplus

Secure fit together with greater wearing comfort – those are the features that distinguish JOYCE Full Face, the tried and tested mask for every sleep apnea and home ventilation patient, from the rest. In this model JOYCE Full Faceplus works with a two-chamber principle. The first chamber is for the mouth and nose and the second holds the chin as needed. More security results in optimum therapy.

Effective and secure

  •  A mask seal surrounds the nose, mouth and chin.
  • The two-chamber principle:
  • The first chamber covers the nose and mouth as does JOYCE Full Face. Consequently we create – as before – minimum dead space.
  • The second chamber holds the chin without generating an unpleasant flow of air across the chin. The lower part of the seal does not lie directly on the chin. If the chin should fall, it will be caught. Air holes prevent sweating.
  • In keeping with our proven modular design, all parts except the mask seal are identical to those of JOYCE Full Face.

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