
Brainlab® Hip Resurfacing Application

Computer-Assisted Surgery – Brainlab® hip resurfacing navigation*

Hip resurfacing surgery is technically demanding with a high learning curve and complications, like early femoral neck fracture due to mal-positioned prosthesis.

Hip resurfacing navigation uses intra-operatively acquired 3D bone and soft tissue patient data for better implant placement. With the ability to continuously track surgical instruments and virtually guide component placement, hip resurfacing navigation is easy to use and overcomes accuracy and consistency challenges in standard and minimally invasive hip resurfacing surgery.

  • Higher first-pass accuracy of femur guide wire alignment
  • Valgus maximization of the femoral component
  • Optimization of femoral and acetabular component positioning

Learn more about our products on www.brainlab.com.

* NDI Disposable Reflective Marker Spheres spheres.ndigital.com / NDI Spheres Compatibility Statement

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