
Muscle Strength Analysis (DIERS myoline) myoline professional

Muscle Strength Analysis (DIERS myoline)
myoline professional

The myoline professional is a multifunctional system with up to 18 force directions to measure muscular deficits and dysbalances.

The recording and the documentation of all relevant parameters of the posture is possible with this system, due to its integration and compactness.

It unifies most conventional back-test systems into one all-in-one measurement system.

The following data are taken from the musculature of the trunk:

-Flexion / extension
-Lateral flexion left / right
-Trunk-rotation left / right

-As an option it is possible to measure the following body areas:
-Cervical Spine
-Shoulder / Arms

All measurements are made in a sitting position.

Measurement procedure:
The patient is sitting on a chair of the system. Legs, shoulder and hip are fixed in the chair. The electro-motorized height adjustment of the chair supports the operator.

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