
Pocket Diagostic Lights: HEINE mini 3000® Combi Lamp

Compact, all purpose illuminator with integrated tongue-blade holder

Sturdy, long-life pocket diagnostic lights in a compact, modern design - in black or blue.
Bright, concentrated light thanks to novel XHL Xenon Halogen lens-lamp. Can only be used with the mini 3000 handle system.

  • Many applications. Can be used as a general illuminator and as an illuminated tongue-blade holder for wooden blades and HEINE disposable blades.
  • Attachment clip with integrated on/off switch. Secure. Switches off automatically when returned to the pocket. 20.000 switch cycles guaranteed.
  • Enhanced XHL Xenon Halogen lens-bulb with 100% more light compared with conventional bulbs. Bright, focused light.
  • High-quality handle: Chrome-finish upper section/ refined plastic. Shockproof, sturdy, non-slip.
  • Replaceable batteries. Size AA.
  • Rechargeable mini 3000 handle. The mini 3000 battery handle can be retro-fi tted with the mini rechargeable battery 2.5V NiMH and the bottom insert to update to a rechargeable handle. Fully-automatic charging with the mini NT charger.

Please note: To convert mini 2000 handles to rechargeable, please order mini NT charger* set for mini 3000 and mini NT adaptor set for mini 2000 together.


For more information on the mini NT charger system

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